Why are influencers perceived as credible by social media users?

In one of our earlier blog posts, we have reported on the power of digital recommendations in the form of electronic word-of-mouth product reviews. So we know that recommendations of other users in form of product reviews are relevant for consumers when making purchase decisions. In addition to that, social media channels have become an indispensable part of everyday life and are, first of all, a valuable communication tool. In fact, social networks accumulate approximately 4.2 billion active users worldwide (DataReportal, 2021). Even more important for consumer research is, that these networks are also increasingly used as a source of information for purchase decisions, as consumers believe the recommendations of other users more than advertising (Tokarski, Schellinger & Berchtold, 2017). A study (Bundesverband für Digitale Wirtschaft e.V., 2019) found, that one in five social media users has already been inspired to buy a product by an influencer, meaning opinion leaders who help companies raise awareness about their products or services. Hence, companies are increasingly integrating influencers into their marketing strategies to ultimately influence social media users. However, the challenge for companies is to select credible influencers from the high number of potential cooperation partners, as credibility is an essential aspect for the influencers’ persuasive power.

Research goal

This research, which was conducted by Laura Schweiger, a student of our business psychology department, explored factors that have a positive influence on the credibility of influencers and the reasons for such from the perspective of social media users.

Research overview

First, a quantitative online survey was conducted, followed by six semi-structured individual interviews, which aided in presenting further explanation for specific aspects of the quantitative study. By doing so, various versions and combinations of the profile and Instagram post of a female fitness influencer advertising protein bars were utilized. Specifically, the dimensions expertise, argumentation quality, and trustworthiness were manipulated, whereby a low and high version of the respective factor was created.

The final sample of the quantitative survey included 239 participants with an average age of 24 years (range = 14 to 59 years) and the majority of participants identifying as female (75%). Almost half of the participants (47%) had purchased 1-3 products in the past ten months based on an influencer’s recommendation, but almost 30 % did not purchase any product because of such recommendation. The six interviewees in the subsequent qualitative study were also respondents of the quantitative survey and belonged to generation Z, representing one of the major social media user groups. In addition, all six interviewees had a high affinity for influencers and the male and female genders were evenly represented.

Main findings

  • The trustworthiness of influencers has the strongest influence on their credibility (large effect), followed by argument quality (medium effect), expertise (small effect) and similarity (small effect).
  • The trustworthiness of influencers is impacted by the perceived honesty of the influencer (i.e. honest communication, pointing out weaknesses of the product), seriousness (e.g., no spelling mistakes), consistent behaviour and product usage, and expressing an opinion.
  • Argument quality relates to facts, statistics based on credible sources as well as logical, conclusive and comprehendible line of argumentation with multiple reasons. Getting paid for advertising a product might be seen as untrustworthy. Perception also depends on the social media channel.
  • The factor expertise includes topic expertise, level of education or previous experience in the industry, the shared information or content of a post (e.g., the number of information, a detailed product presentation), product testing of and comparison with alternative products as well as reported ongoing personal experiences with the product.
  • Similarity means the personal identification of the social media user with the influencer, who also serves a role model function, portrays values, gives inspiration, and shares similar interests with the user.


Companies should consider the following aspects to ensure their influencer campaign’s credibility and success.

  • Companies should aim for long-lasting influencer cooperations (trustworthiness).
  • The chosen influencer should fit with the company’s brand and image (similarity).
  • The influencers should match the desired target group (similarity) and provide high-quality argumentation why they would recommend the specific product (argument quality).
  • Companies should provide specific details and facts about the product which can be utilized in the influencers’ posts (argument quality).
  • Companies should send test products to the influencers (expertise) and collect personal experiences with the influencers as well as stay in constant contact with them.


Influencer marketing has become an established part of online marketing. However, the selection of suitable influencers poses challenges for companies. Thus, this research aimed at identifying factors which have an influence on the credibility of influencers. Generally, social media users pay attention to diverse criteria when assessing credibility. Nevertheless, as this study showed, companies should especially consider the trustworthiness, argument quality, similarity with the target group and expertise of the influencers not only during the selection process but in the long term as well. Ultimately, this can lead to a successful prolonged marketing strategy.


Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft e. V. (Hrsg.). (2019). Digital Trends. Umfrage zum Umgang mit Influencern. Retrieved from https://www.bvdw.org/fileadmin/bvdw/upload/studien/190409_BVDW_Kontakte_mit_Influencern.pdf

DataReportal (Hrsg.). (2021). Digital 2021: Global Overview Report. Retrieved from https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2021-global-overview-report

Tokarski, K. O., Schellinger, J. & Berchtold, P. (2017). Zukunftstrends Wirtschaft 2020. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-15069-3