Digital Assistants


Today’s economy is characterized by accelerated technological change which increases the automation of processes in companies. At the same time customers increasingly expect easy and quick customer service at all times. Chatbots are one technology that can help to fulfill these needs by using process automation and thus can create a competitive advantage. While chatbots have potential, we followed the question in which situations chatbots can be used most effectively, especially from a customer’s point of view. Read the full research paper here.

Smart Home

Digitalization changes consumer markets rapidly. There is an increasing focus on technological innovations as well as concepts that improve daily routines and offer support for self-determined living. Various technology companies have recognized this need and developed different types of hard- and software products, so-called Smart Home (SH) technology. In Germany, the SH technology market is still in its infancy. To increase market success, there is a need to understand which factors influence the acceptance of those products. Our research in this field not only focuses on the individual user but on shared SHs as well. Read the full article about individual SH acceptance here and our blog entry regarding SH in shared households here.