

Individual Publications:


Kaiser, R., De Benedetto, S., Planing, P., & Müller, P. (2024). What Will the Delivery Robots Bring Us Tomorrow? International Journal of Consumer Studies, 48(5), e13093.
Access Paper



Silberer, J., Astfalk, S., Planing, P., & Müller, P. (2023). User needs over time: the market and technology maturity model (MTMM). Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 12(1), 39. Access Paper



Silberer, J., Bäumer, T. & Müller, P. (2022). Taking perspective into account when evaluating innovative products: The moderating role of construal level on UTAUT 2 constructs. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 2, 44–60. 

Silberer, J., Mrso, M., Bäumer, T., & Müller, P. (2022). Acceptance of Electric Car Sharing in Rural Areas. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2022, 1–12. Access Paper

Silberer, J., Dangel, G., Bäumer, T., Müller, P., & Kotziabassis, G. (2022). Interests of (In)frequent Bike Users: Analysis of Differing Target Groups’ Needs Concerning the RouteMeSafe Application. In V. Coors, D. Pietruschka & B. Zeitler (Hrsg.), iCity. Transformative Research for the Livable, Intelligent, and Sustainable City. Research Findings of University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart (S. 15–26) [S.l.]: SPRINGER NATURE. Access Paper



Astfalk, S., Silberer, J., Planing, P., & Müller, P. (2021). The effect of a functional prototype on user acceptance in transportation: Assessing the level of acceptance before and after the first demonstration flight of an air taxi. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives.  Access Paper



Behme, J. & Planing, P. (2020). Air Taxis as a Mobility Solution for Cities—Empirical Research on Customer Acceptance of Urban Air Mobility. Access Paper

Huber, S., Ortner, M. F., & Dekigianni, C. (2020): Virtual Reality in der Tourismusbranche. Verkaufsförderung durch Risikosenkung und Flucht in die mediale Wirklichkeit. Hamburg: Diplomica Verlag. Access Book

Schumpp, A., Huber, S., & Braun, B. (2020). What Makes an Inner City Attractive Today and in the Future?—Analysis of Emotional Hotspots Using the City of Stuttgart as an Example. Access Paper

Silberer, J., Bäumer, T., Müller, P., Dehdari, P., & Huber, S. (2020). Measuring the Use of Sustainable Modes of Transport at a University.  Access Paper

Silberer, J., Müller, P., Bäumer, T., & Huber, S. (2020): Target-Oriented Promotion of the Intention for Sustainable Behavior with Social Norms. Sustainability 12 (15), 6193. Access Paper

Silberer, J., Santhanavanich, T., Müller, P. ,& Bäumer, T. (2020). Promoting Objective and Subjective Safety for Cyclists in Metropolitan Areas. Access Paper

Wendel, L., Planing, P. & Bräuchle, H. (2020). Trust in Partially Automated Driving Systems for Trucks: A Quantitative Empirical Study. Access Paper

Weng, J., Bäumer, T., & Müller, P. (2020). Bike-Sharing Systems as Integral Components of Inner-City Mobility Concepts: An Analysis of the Intended User Behaviour of Potential and Actual Bike-Sharing Users. Access Paper



Hohlbaum, M. F., Huber, S., Huber, F., Baumann, T. C., Schürmann, K., & Haas, M. (2019). Perceived Product Risk while Shopping Online: Does Virtual Reality vs. 2D Reduce Uncertainty?. Access Paper

Planing, P., & Pinar, Y. (2019). Acceptance of air taxis-A field study during the first flight of an air taxi in a European city. Access Paper

Salomon, G., & Müller, P. (2019). Success Factors for the Acceptance of Smart Home Technology Concepts. Access Paper

Silberer, J., Hieber, N. & Bäumer, T. (2019). Wie Apps Fahrradfahren zum Erlebnis machen: Förderung nachhaltiger Mobilitätsformen mittels digitaler Anwendungen.  Access Paper

Thums, J., & Müller, P. (2019). Chancen und Herausforderungen bei der Verwendung von Predictive Analytics im Talent Management aus Sicht von Mitarbeitenden. Access Paper

Völkle, C., & Planing, P. (2019). Digital Automation of Customer Contact Processes–an Empirical Research on Customer Acceptance of different Chatbot Use-cases. Access Paper



Hieber, N., Bäumer, T., Huber, S. & Müller, P. (2018). Akzeptanz gegenüber E-Bike Sharing. Anwendung der Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Access Paper

Kohn, L., Dastageeri, H., Bäumer, T., Moulin, S., Müller, P., & Coors, V. (2018). Hot or not – Identifying emotional “hot spots” in the city.  Access Paper

Kohn, L., Dastageeri, H., Silberer, J., Bäumer, T., Santhanavanich, T., Moulin, S., Müller, P., & Coors, V. (2018). Emotionen als Wegweiser zur lebenswerten Stadt: Ansätze zur Erfassung und Darstellung des emotionalen Erlebens als Impulse für die Stadt der Zukunft. Access Paper

Planing, P., & Dursun, M. (2018). Acceptance of Shared Autonomous Vehicles – A Correspondence Analysis of New Car Buyer Attitudes. Access Paper



Bäumer, T., Worm, D., Müller, P., Zimmermann, S., Popovic, T., & Pagel, C. (2017). So Tell Me What You Want, What You Really Really Want.  Access Paper

Planing, P. (2017). On the origin of innovations—the opportunity vacuum as a conceptual model for the explanation of innovation. Access Paper